Admin_UI::override_sample_permalink_html( string $html, int $post_id, string $title, string $slug, WP_Post $post )


Filters the sample permalink HTML markup to make it a static link



(string) (Required) Sample permalink HTML markup.


(int) (Required) Post ID.


(string) (Required) New sample permalink title.


(string) (Required) New sample permalink slug.


(WP_Post) (Required) Post object.




File: src/BigCommerce/Post_Types/Product/Admin_UI.php

	public function override_sample_permalink_html( $html, $post_id, $title, $slug, $post ) {
		if ( get_post_type( $post ) !== Product::NAME ) {
			return $html;

		if ( strpos( $html, 'editable-post-name-full' ) === false ) {
			return $html; // it's not an editable permalink

		$html = preg_replace( '#<span id="editable-post-name">(.*?)</span>#', '$1', $html ); // strip out the editable tags
		$html = preg_replace( '#<span id="edit-slug-buttons">.*?</span>#', '', $html ); // remove the edit button
		$html = preg_replace( '#<span id="editable-post-name-full">.*?</span>#', '', $html ); // remove the hidden field

		return $html;

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