

Sends a request to the BC API to update a webhook. Creates it if it doesn’t exist.


File: src/BigCommerce/Webhooks/Webhook.php

	public function update() {

		 * Create a password for authenticating the incoming request from BigCommerce.
		$password = $this->generate_password();

		$existing_webhook_id = $this->is_webhook_exist();

		 * Check if webhook exists in BigCommerce
		if ( ! empty( $existing_webhook_id ) ) {
			$args = [
				'headers' => [ self::AUTH_HEADER => $password ],

			$this->update_webhook( $existing_webhook_id, $args );

			do_action( 'bigcommerce/webhooks/webhook_updated', intval( $existing_webhook_id ), static::NAME, $this->scope() );

			return $existing_webhook_id;

		$args = [
			'headers'     => [ self::AUTH_HEADER => $password ],
			'scope'       => $this->scope(),
			'destination' => $this->destination(),
			'is_active'   => true,

		 * Filter the arguments sent to the BigCommerce API to register a webhook
		$args = apply_filters( 'bigcommerce/webhooks/registration_args', $args, $this );

		$result = (array) $this->create( $args );

		if ( empty( $result[ 'id' ] ) ) {
			 * Fires after webhook update failed.
			 * @param Webhook Webhook Webhook class.
			 * @param array $result Result.
			do_action( 'bigcommerce/webhooks/update_failed', $this, $result );

		$webhooks            = get_option( self::WEBHOOKS_OPTION, [] );
		$previous_webhook_id = array_key_exists( static::NAME, $webhooks ) ? absint( $webhooks[ static::NAME ] ) : 0;

		// Save the returned webhook ID as an option to help with cleanup later.
		$webhooks[ static::NAME ] = $result[ 'id' ];
		update_option( self::WEBHOOKS_OPTION, $webhooks );

		if ( $previous_webhook_id ) {
			// Clean up obsolete web hook.
			$this->delete( $previous_webhook_id );

		 * Fires when a webhook is added to the BigCommerce database.
		 * @param int Webhook ID.
		 * @param string Webhook action name.
		 * @param string Webhook scope.
		do_action( 'bigcommerce/webhooks/webhook_updated', intval( $result[ 'id' ] ), static::NAME, $this->scope() );

		return $result[ 'id' ];

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