

Class Accounts


File: src/BigCommerce/Container/Accounts.php

class Accounts extends Provider {
	const LOGIN            = 'accounts.login';
	const COUNTRIES        = 'accounts.countries';
	const COUNTRIES_PATH   = 'accounts.countries.path';
	const DELETE_ADDRESS   = 'accounts.delete_address';
	const NAV_MENU         = 'accounts.nav_menu';
	const SUB_NAV          = 'accounts.sub_nav';
	const USER_PROFILE     = 'accounts.user_profile';
	const GROUP_PROXY      = 'accounts.groups.proxy';
	const PASSWORD_RESET   = 'accounts.password_reset';
	const CHANNEL_SETTINGS = 'accounts.channel_settings';

	const PUBLIC_WISHLIST        = 'accounts.wishlist.public';
	const WISHLIST_ROUTER        = 'accounts.wishlist.router';
	const WISHLIST_CREATE        = 'accounts.wishlist.create';
	const WISHLIST_EDIT          = 'accounts.wishlist.edit';
	const WISHLIST_DELETE        = 'accounts.wishlist.delete';
	const WISHLIST_ADD           = 'accounts.wishlist.add_item';
	const WISHLIST_REMOVE        = 'accounts.wishlist.remove_item';
	const WISHLIST_ADD_ITEM_VIEW = 'accounts.wishlist.add_item_view';

	public function register( Container $container ) {
		$this->login( $container );
		$this->countries( $container );
		$this->profile( $container );
		$this->addresses( $container );
		$this->customer_groups( $container );
		$this->wishlists( $container );
		$this->passwords( $container );
		$this->channel_settings( $container );

     * Handle login logic methods
     * @param Container $container
	private function login( Container $container ) {
		$container[ self::LOGIN ] = function ( Container $container ) {
			return new Login( $container[ Api::FACTORY ] );

		add_action( 'wp_login', $this->create_callback( 'connect_customer_id', function ( $username, $user ) use ( $container ) {
			$container[ self::LOGIN ]->connect_customer_id( $username, $user );
		} ), 10, 2 );

		add_filter( 'login_url', $this->create_callback( 'login_url', function ( $url, $redirect, $reauth ) use ( $container ) {
			return $container[ self::LOGIN ]->login_url( $url, $redirect, $reauth );
		} ), 10, 3 );

		add_filter( 'wp_login_errors', $this->create_callback( 'login_errors', function ( $errors, $redirect ) use ( $container ) {
			return $container[ self::LOGIN ]->login_error_handler( $errors, $redirect );
		} ), 10, 2 );

		add_filter( 'lostpassword_url', $this->create_callback( 'lostpassword_url', function ( $url, $redirect ) use ( $container ) {
			return $container[ self::LOGIN ]->lostpassword_url( $url, $redirect );
		} ), 10, 2 );

		add_filter( 'lostpassword_user_data', $this->create_callback( 'lostpassword_user_data', function ( $user_data, $errors ) use ( $container ) {
			return $container[ self::LOGIN ]->before_reset_password_email( $user_data, $errors );
		} ), 10, 2 );

		add_action( 'lostpassword_post', $this->create_callback( 'lostpassword_post', function ( $error ) use ( $container ) {
			return $container[ self::LOGIN ]->lostpassword_error_handler( $error );
		} ), 10, 1 );

		add_filter( 'register_url', $this->create_callback( 'register_url', function ( $url ) use ( $container ) {
			return $container[ self::LOGIN ]->register_url( $url );
		} ), 10, 1 );

		add_action( 'template_redirect', $this->create_callback( 'redirects', function () use ( $container ) {
			$container[ self::LOGIN ]->redirect_account_pages_to_auth();
			$container[ self::LOGIN ]->redirect_auth_pages_to_account();
		} ), 10, 0 );

		add_filter( 'authenticate', $this->create_callback( 'authenticate_new_user', function ( $user, $username, $password ) use ( $container ) {
			if ( $container[ Api::CONFIG_COMPLETE ] ) {
				return $container[ self::LOGIN ]->authenticate_new_user( $user, $username, $password );

			return $user;
		} ), 40, 3 );

		add_filter( 'check_password', $this->create_callback( 'check_password', function ( $match, $password, $hash, $user_id ) use ( $container ) {
			if ( $container[ Api::CONFIG_COMPLETE ] ) {
				return $container[ self::LOGIN ]->check_password_for_linked_accounts( $match, $password, $hash, $user_id );

			return $match;
		} ), 10, 4 );

     * Register countries container and handle requests for it
     * @param Container $container
	private function countries( Container $container ) {
		$container[ self::COUNTRIES ] = function ( Container $container ) {
			return new Countries( $container[ self::COUNTRIES_PATH ] );

		$container[ self::COUNTRIES_PATH ] = function ( Container $container ) {
			$file = plugin_dir_path( $container['plugin_file'] ) . 'assets/data/countries.json';

			 * Filters countries data file.
			 * @param string $file Countries data json file path.
			return apply_filters( 'bigcommerce/countries/data_file', $file );

		add_filter( 'bigcommerce/countries/data', $this->create_callback( 'countries', function ( $data ) use ( $container ) {
			return $container[ self::COUNTRIES ]->get_countries();
		} ), 5, 1 );
		$countries_js_config = $this->create_callback( 'countries_js_config', function ( $config ) use ( $container ) {
			return $container[ self::COUNTRIES ]->js_config( $config );
		} );
		add_filter( 'bigcommerce/js_config', $countries_js_config, 10, 1 );
		add_filter( 'bigcommerce/admin/js_config', $countries_js_config, 10, 1 );

     * Handle profile container requests
     * @param Container $container
	private function profile( Container $container ) {
		$container[ self::NAV_MENU ] = function ( Container $container ) {
			return new Nav_Menu();

		add_filter( 'wp_setup_nav_menu_item', $this->create_callback( 'loginregister_menu_item', function ( $item ) use ( $container ) {
			return $container[ self::NAV_MENU ]->filter_account_menu_items( $item );
		} ), 10, 1 );

		$container[ self::SUB_NAV ] = function ( Container $container ) {
			return new Sub_Nav();
		add_filter( 'the_content', $this->create_callback( 'account_subnav', function ( $content ) use ( $container ) {
			return $container[ self::SUB_NAV ]->add_subnav_above_content( $content );
		} ), 10, 1 );

		$container[ self::USER_PROFILE ] = function ( Container $container ) {
			return new User_Profile_Settings();
		$render_profile_settings         = $this->create_callback( 'render_profile_settings', function ( $user ) use ( $container ) {
			$container[ self::USER_PROFILE ]->render_profile_settings( $user );
		} );
		$save_profile_settings           = $this->create_callback( 'save_profile_settings', function ( $user_id ) use ( $container ) {
			$container[ self::USER_PROFILE ]->save_profile_settings( $user_id );
		} );
		add_action( 'show_user_profile', $render_profile_settings, 10, 1 );
		add_action( 'edit_user_profile', $render_profile_settings, 10, 1 );
		add_action( 'personal_options_update', $save_profile_settings, 10, 1 );
		add_action( 'edit_user_profile_update', $save_profile_settings, 10, 1 );

     * @param Container $container
	private function addresses( Container $container ) {
		$container[ self::DELETE_ADDRESS ] = function ( Container $container ) {
			return new Delete_Address_Handler();
		add_action( 'parse_request', $this->create_callback( 'handle_delete_address', function () use ( $container ) {
			$container[ self::DELETE_ADDRESS ]->handle_request( $_POST );
		} ), 10, 0 );

     * @param Container $container
	private function customer_groups( Container $container ) {
		$container[ self::GROUP_PROXY ] = function ( Container $container ) {
			return new Customer_Group_Proxy();
		add_filter( 'bigcommerce/customer/group_info', $this->create_callback( 'set_customer_group_info', function ( $info, $group_id ) use ( $container ) {
			return $container[ self::GROUP_PROXY ]->filter_group_info( $info, $group_id );
		} ), 10, 2 );

     * Handle wishlists container logic
     * @param Container $container
	private function wishlists( Container $container ) {
		$container[ self::PUBLIC_WISHLIST ] = function ( Container $container ) {
			return new Wishlist_Request_Parser( $container[ Api::FACTORY ]->wishlists() );

		add_action( 'parse_request', $this->create_callback( 'public_wishlist_request', function ( \WP $wp ) use ( $container ) {
			$container[ self::PUBLIC_WISHLIST ]->setup_wishlist_request( $wp );
		} ), 10, 1 );

		$container[ self::WISHLIST_ROUTER ] = function ( Container $container ) {
			return new Wishlist_Actions\Request_Router();

		add_action( 'bigcommerce/action_endpoint/' . Wishlist_Actions\Request_Router::ACTION, $this->create_callback( 'handle_wishlist_action', function ( $args ) use ( $container ) {
			$container[ self::WISHLIST_ROUTER ]->handle_request( $args );
		} ), 10, 1 );

		$container[ self::WISHLIST_CREATE ] = function ( Container $container ) {
			return new Wishlist_Actions\Create_Wishlist( $container[ Api::FACTORY ]->wishlists() );

		add_action( 'bigcommerce/wishlist_endpoint/' . Wishlist_Actions\Create_Wishlist::ACTION, $this->create_callback( 'create_wishlist', function ( $args ) use ( $container ) {
			$container[ self::WISHLIST_CREATE ]->handle_request( $args );
		} ), 10, 1 );

		$container[ self::WISHLIST_EDIT ] = function ( Container $container ) {
			return new Wishlist_Actions\Edit_Wishlist( $container[ Api::FACTORY ]->wishlists() );

		add_action( 'bigcommerce/wishlist_endpoint/' . Wishlist_Actions\Edit_Wishlist::ACTION, $this->create_callback( 'edit_wishlist', function ( $args ) use ( $container ) {
			$container[ self::WISHLIST_EDIT ]->handle_request( $args );
		} ), 10, 1 );

		$container[ self::WISHLIST_DELETE ] = function ( Container $container ) {
			return new Wishlist_Actions\Delete_Wishlist( $container[ Api::FACTORY ]->wishlists() );

		add_action( 'bigcommerce/wishlist_endpoint/' . Wishlist_Actions\Delete_Wishlist::ACTION, $this->create_callback( 'delete_wishlist', function ( $args ) use ( $container ) {
			$container[ self::WISHLIST_DELETE ]->handle_request( $args );
		} ), 10, 1 );

		$container[ self::WISHLIST_ADD ] = function ( Container $container ) {
			return new Wishlist_Actions\Add_Item( $container[ Api::FACTORY ]->wishlists() );

		add_action( 'bigcommerce/wishlist_endpoint/' . Wishlist_Actions\Add_Item::ACTION, $this->create_callback( 'add_wishlist_item', function ( $args ) use ( $container ) {
			$container[ self::WISHLIST_ADD ]->handle_request( $args );
		} ), 10, 1 );

		$container[ self::WISHLIST_REMOVE ] = function ( Container $container ) {
			return new Wishlist_Actions\Remove_Item( $container[ Api::FACTORY ]->wishlists() );

		add_action( 'bigcommerce/wishlist_endpoint/' . Wishlist_Actions\Remove_Item::ACTION, $this->create_callback( 'remove_wishlist_item', function ( $args ) use ( $container ) {
			$container[ self::WISHLIST_REMOVE ]->handle_request( $args );
		} ), 10, 1 );

		$container[ self::WISHLIST_ADD_ITEM_VIEW ] = function ( Container $container ) {
			return new Add_Item_View( $container[ Api::FACTORY ]->wishlists() );

		$add_item_view_to_product_single = $this->create_callback( 'add_item_view_to_product_single', function ( $data, $template, $options ) use ( $container ) {
			return $container[ self::WISHLIST_ADD_ITEM_VIEW ]->filter_product_single_template( $data, $template, $options );
		} );
		add_action( 'bigcommerce/template=components/products/product-single.php/data', $add_item_view_to_product_single, 10, 3 );
		// Decided not to show on the shortcode single
		//add_action( 'bigcommerce/template=components/products/product-shortcode-single.php/data', $add_item_view_to_product_single, 10, 3 );

     * Handle passwords container and hooks
     * @param Container $container
	private function passwords( Container $container ) {
		$container[ self::PASSWORD_RESET ] = function ( Container $container ) {
			return new Password_Reset( $container[ Api::FACTORY ]->customer() );

		add_action( 'after_password_reset', $this->create_callback( 'sync_reset_password', function ( $user, $password ) use ( $container ) {
			$container[ self::PASSWORD_RESET ]->sync_reset_password_with_bigcommerce( $user, $password );
		} ), 10, 2 );

		add_action( 'profile_update', $this->create_callback( 'sync_changed_password', function ( $user, $old_user_data ) use ( $container ) {
			$container[ self::PASSWORD_RESET ]->sync_password_change_with_bigcommerce( $user, $old_user_data );
		} ), 10, 2 );

	private function channel_settings( Container $container ) {
		$container[ self::CHANNEL_SETTINGS ] = function ( Container $container ) {
			return new Channel_Settings( new Connections(), $container[ Api::FACTORY ]->customers() );

		add_action( 'bigcommerce/sync_global_logins', $this->create_callback( 'sync_global_logins', function () use ( $container ) {
			$container[ self::CHANNEL_SETTINGS ]->sync_global_logins();
		} ) );

		add_action( 'bigcommerce/channel/promote', $this->create_callback( 'schedule_global_logins_sync', function () use ( $container ) {
			$container[ self::CHANNEL_SETTINGS ]->schedule_sync();
		} ) );



User Contributed Notes

You must log in before being able to contribute a note or feedback.