Cart::add_line_item( int $product_id, array $options = array(), int $quantity = 1, array $modifiers = array() )


No summary available.



(int) (Required) The BigCommerce ID of the product


(array) (Optional) All options and modifiers for the line item

Default value: array()


(int) (Optional) How many to add to the cart

Default value: 1


(array) (Optional) Deprecated in 1.7.0, all values should be passed in $options

Default value: array()




File: src/BigCommerce/Cart/Cart.php

	public function add_line_item( $product_id, $options = [], $quantity = 1, $modifiers = [] ) {
		$request_data      = new CartRequestData();
		$option_selections = [];

		foreach ( $options as $option_key => $option_value ) {
			if ( $option_value !== 0 ) {
				$option_selections[] = new ProductOptionSelection( [
					'option_id'    => $option_key,
					'option_value' => $option_value,
				] );

		 * Kept for backwards compatibility. Modifiers are treated
		 * the same as options when submitting a line item.
		foreach ( $modifiers as $modifier_key => $modifier_value ) {
			$option_selections[] = new ProductOptionSelection( [
				'option_id'    => $modifier_key,
				'option_value' => $modifier_value,
			] );

		$request_data->setLineItems( [
			new LineItemRequestData( [
				'quantity'          => $quantity,
				'product_id'        => $product_id,
				'option_selections' => $option_selections,
			] ),
		] );
		$request_data->setGiftCertificates( [] );

		return $this->add_request_to_cart( $request_data );

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