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File: src/BigCommerce/Shortcodes/Products.php

	public static function default_attributes() {
		return [
			'id'       => '', // BigCommerce product IDs, comma delimited
			'post_id'  => '', // WordPress post IDs, comma delimited
			'sku'      => '', // BigCommerce SKUs, comma delimited
			'category' => '', // Product Category slugs, comma delimited
			'brand'    => '', // Brand slugs, comma delimited
			'featured' => 0, // 1 to limit to featured products
			'sale'     => 0, // 1 to limit to sale products
			'recent'   => 0, // 1 to limit to products imported in the last 48 hours
			'search'   => '', // search titles, BigCommerce IDs, or SKUs
			'paged'    => 1, // 1 to enable pagination
			'per_page' => 0, // number of products to show at a time
			'order'    => 'ASC', // ASC or DESC,
			'orderby'  => 'title', // title, date, or any other arg accepted by WP_Query
			'ajax'     => 0, // internal use: set to 1 for ajax pagination requests
			'preview'  => 0, // internal use: set to 1 to remove interactive elements

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